Wednesday, September 16, 2009

POBOX (00200) 57126 NAIROBI.MANAGER; 0722-251638
CHAIRMAN; 0721-348274


· 1 Executive Summary
· 2 Organizational Background
· 2.1 Mission Statement and business model
· 2.2 Current Status
· 2.3 History
· 2.4 Management team
· 3 Marketing Plan
· 3.1 Pricing
· 3.2 Demand Management
· 3.3 Distribution
· 3.4 Promotion and Brand Development
· 4 Operation Plan
· 4.1 Research and Development Plan
· 4.2 Information and Communications Technology Plan
· 4.3 Staffing Plan
· 4.3.1 Staffing Needs
· 4.3.2 Union issues
· 4.3.3 Training Requirements
· 4.3.4 Hiring Time Table
· 4.3.5 Staffing Budget
· 4.4 Business Process Outsourcing Plan
· 4.5 Asset Development Plan
· 4.5.1 Intellectual Property Plan
· 4.6 Cost Allocation Model
· 5 Financial Plan
· 5.1 Current Financing
· 5.2 Funding Needs
· 5.3 Funding Plan
· 5.4 Financial History
· 5.5 Financing Forecasts
· 6 Risk Analysis
· 6.1 Risk Evaluation
· 6.2Risk Management Plan
· 7 Decision Making Criteria

Executive Summary
For a new venture, the executive summary might contain:
· Stripes professional cycling team is a registered club that aims at partnering with organizations and firms for their publicity or for sporting events thus promoting cycling at armature and professional levels. Stripes professional cycling team is an entity of its own that is under the management of Sports Masters (Kenya). Stripes proposed legal structure is to attain independent membership of the UCI; the international cycling body. The current legal structure under which Stripes falls is stipulated by the Republic of Kenya societies act (CAP.108) (Rule 2(e) (ii) and12) which will remain standing. The minority investors are the proprietors of Stripes and the majority investors are the organizations and firms that have sponsored or have participated in its activities.
· The amount of investment requested totals……………waiting on manager.
· The expected terminal value is…………………………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’.
· The market opportunity of this venture is extremely strong due to its new approach and revolutionary stance that seeks to widen the scope and possibilities of the cycling sport that ranges from publicity, brand endorsement and sponsorship, and even social enlightment.
· The main reasons why the market opportunity can be exploited by Stripes are underlined by: Stripes is dedicated at identifying, nurturing and exercising talented youth who make up our greater population; branding and marketing communications can be intertwined with the social nature of the club’s philosophy and used as one of the key elements of a sponsors’ marketing mix.
Organizational Background:
The brief synopsis of Stripes team is that it has existed through trying and troublesome times in its formative days. Some of the team members got involved in individual endorsements and as a result broke ranks with the rest of the team. Another major hiccup was the lack of transparency by event organizers has prompted Stripes team to call upon an outright management team, Sports Masters, to organize its events.
Mission Statement and business model
To create a lucrative, professional and viable social entity out of cycling prowess. Through working with our partners, we shall endeavour to market brands, create social awareness and to promote professional cycling.
Current Status
Number of Employees; None
Annual income; None
Key product lines; None
Location of facilities; None
Current stage of development; start-ups
· Sole proprietors; Present
· Partnership; Cycling garage
· Joint Venture ;with Sports Masters
· Publicly traded corporation; None
· Private corporation; None
· Limited liability company; None
· Public utility; None
· Non-profit organization; None
Names of the majority investors; None
Founding date 13th January 2007.
Major successes of Stripes team include individual wins in random cycling challenges
Strategically valuable learning experiences of the Stripes team are embodied in the long value able hours spent training along Kenyan roads, mastering terrain and the dangers that come with it. The participation of our riders in various road challenges and races such as the commonwealth games has also exposed us to regional and international competition.
Management Team is composed of ;( Named)
Chairman: Daniel Weta
Manager: Mr. Alex Matheri
Marketing Plan
Training which is aimed at the fitness and well being of the team/club member and features health, nutritional and physical exercises that are to be coached. This is to be followed by armature and professional cycling that is to be undertaken separately for obvious reasons. This marketing strategy will create room for the public to take active role in the existence of the cycling team at the club level and also generate strong revenue. This is the basis of Stripe team’s earnings.
Publicity through endorsement and advertising of brands for a market audience present or through electronic and print media. This Marketing strategy will not only generate revenue but will also attract club membership and be the much needed advertisement agent many firms have been waiting for. This is the regulator of Stripes team’s earnings.
Social events aimed at community campaigns and awareness programmes. This marketing strategy will bring revenue from organizations and will also leave a social footprint and has an enormous scope. This booster of Stripes team’s earnings.
Trade deals; that will be at contractual terms, either leasing or selling off professional cyclists abroad. This marketing strategy will not only expose us internationally but earn valuable foreign revenue and is expected to run seasonally according to the cycling calendar. This supplements Stripe team’s earnings
Chosen price points are;
Club registration and renewal.
Gym and field Training for fitness, armature and professional cyclists. Athletics optional
Purchases of sporting merchandise labeled Stripes Team.

Proposed pricing strategy
The pricing strategy will range in accordance with the packages and products being offered. Thus gold, silver and platinum club membership. These are priced relatively differently. The above packages that contain different privileges and services that run throughout the club.
Demand Management
Stripes aims at controlling demand to avoid a recession. Thus the management of and the distribution of, and access to goods and services on the basis of needs are its top most agenda. Rather than increasing budgets for these, Stripes has developed policies that allocate existing resources according a hierarchy of need.
Stripe’s distribution strategy is to open branches preferably in gyms throughout the country and thus offer its services and goods.
Stripes major distributors are Gyms, Hotels schools and other institutions with sporting facilities.
Local and international industries in sports attire and merchandise production.
Stripes current statuses of negotiations with distributors are progressive.
Promotion and Brand Development
Stripe’s Promotion strategy is keyed at the creation of banners, bottles and attire to promote its brand, to develop the same our club members will at different (gold ,silver and platinum) membership levels be issued with merchandise to carry proudly.
Operational Plan
The plan outlines how we will service our clients cost effectively
Research and Development Plan
Manufacturing/Deployment Plan
Supply chain requirements; this is to be undertaken directly by Stripes management; Sports masters who will handle supplies and forward to field officers at gyms.
Production inputs; these include bicycles which sports masters will supply at serviceable rates when the need will arise in collaboration with cycling garage. Gym equipment and services will be offered by certified partnered gyms, schools and hotels country wide. Nutrition and supplement provisions will also be handled by management and there after handled by offices.
Facility requirements; the size, layout, capacity and location of Stripes establishments shall at all times be dictated by the number of registered club members.
Equipment requirements; these will be catered for by partnering gyms and our partner cycling garage.
Warehousing needs for raw materials; Space requirements will be catered for by gym facilitators in agreement with the respective ground officer and also by the cycling garage management
Information and Communications Technology Plan
Systems needed
Operations: Billing, tax remittance, Knowledge base ledger book.
Security and privacy requirements will be offered to customers at all times; thus first aid and accident prevention will be emphasized regularly.
Hardware requirements; computer
Off-the-shelf software needed; database
Custom development requirements; Registration Database needed.i.e computer.
Staffing Plan
Staffing Needs
LIST OF ROLES; Manager; manages the entire club, hires and fires without compensation and issues checks absentees (ONE)
· Team leader; manage the team (ONE)
· Officer; co-ordinate a gym branch (ONE per gym)
· Coach; Trains members at a gym. (As required per gym)
Management structure; ManagerUnion Issues; none
Training Requirements; to be met at individual basis
Hiring Time Table; as need arises
Staffing Budget; N/A
Business Process Outsourcing Plan; none
Asset Development Plan; N/A
Intellectual Property Plan; N/A
Intellectual property inventory will be published when need arises.
Portfolio development plan; is to be done at managerial meetings.
Cost Allocation Model
Fixed cost; wages
Variable costs; supplies
Financial Plan
Current Financing
The Proprietors
No existing loans, liabilities, Terms or obligations
Funding Needs
· Membership cards
· Membership packages: supplements, Gersies and Caps.
· Banners
· Staff wages; Field offices
· Central database computer
Funding Plan
Financial History; none
Financial Forecasts; to be published.
Risk analysis; No avoidable risks undertaken.
Decision making criteria: management decisions will be made exclusively by the Management which comprises of the executive manager, Proprietors and investors.

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